The Art of Retracement Part 2
February 18, 2025
9:00 AM - 11:40 AM EST
Registration Fee: $99.00
3 Credit Hours. Mandatory credits for Indiana
Every professional surveyor across the United States knows the phrase “Follow in the Footsteps” as it relates to conducting a boundary retracement survey. But what does it really mean and what is the basis for following the footsteps? And exactly whose footsteps are we talking about? What happens when the evidence of the footsteps on the ground conflicts with the written title? What if the written title description is ambiguous? What if there are seemingly no footsteps to follow? When armed with a full understanding of the concept of retracement, surveyors will be much better equipped to help steer their clients (and their affected neighbors) away from the pain and cost of litigation, and towards an amicable solution based on well-placed confidence and understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities.
Part Two will continue with an in-depth look at the types of ambiguities and how surveyors might resolve them, a discussion on dealing with conflicts, a provocative look at ownership and the surveyor, and ending with the examination of a series of court decisions that suggest surveyors might want to broaden their views of what to consider when performing a boundary survey.
What Went Wrong?
March 21, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Registration Fee: $129.00
4 Credit Hours. Mandatory credits for Indiana
As I continue “Traversing the Law,” studying and writing about court cases involving boundary disputes and land surveyors, I have found everything from the ridiculous to the sublime. In some cases, I had to shake my head in disbelief over what I was reading, leaving me with just one question: What went wrong? This seminar will investigate the answer to this question by a detailed study of relevant court decisions involving surveyors and surveys that went terribly wrong. The painful lessons learned by others through the school of hard knocks can be painlessly explored and appreciated without the accompanying liability and damages that attach to boundary disputes and negligence actions. These cases will be studied and discussed through a Power Point presentation.
OBJECTIVES: To enhance professional competency and improve practitioner’s knowledge of the law as it relates to the practice of land surveying.